The most common house type that can be found around World Number 2. Can be found grouped together in neighborhoods or in city sections.
Larger size house. Usually found in suburban areas and winding neighborhoods. Typically more expensive that residential lots.
Condos are a rare sight but can still be found in some cities. They provide some variety for residents.
A unique style of architecture. Very modern and sleek. Can be found in limited quantities in some cities.
Tall three-story houses that can be found near busier city districts. Usually many are built together.
Found near or on farmland. Will never be seen in the city and only ever seen in rural areas and towns.
A container that can be used as a house. Always cheap. These will usually be in encampments. Can be found in environmentally friendly areas.
Largest house offering. Can be found in upscale and more secluded areas.
Lot that can be purchased by a company or place of business.
Commercial lot that has been purchased by a company or business.
Commercial that lot appears to be down or has no associated commercial activity.
Train station used to connect two or more cities. Each train station will list the available destinations. There are also multiple train lines, and sometimes a direct route is not always available.
Airports can connect cities that are not directly next to each other. You can only travel to other cities from here that also have airports. Destinations will be listed at location.
Helipads can connect neighboring cities and ones that are not directly next to each other. You can only travel to other cities from here that also have helipads. Destinations will be listed at location.
Space ports are modern and large-scale transportation infrastructures that are designed to extremely long-distance travel.
Drone transportation complex for takeoffs, landings, and storage
Ports can be found near the water. Usually these are busy cargo areas only, without any transportation capabilities.
Ferry terminals can be found by the water. These ferries will take you to other islands and across large rivers.
These convert wind to electrical power. Usually occupy a large area for spacing of windmills. Clean, but do occasionally disrupt local birds.
Futuristic and clean nuclear energy source. Can only be one in the region. Long lasting and safe.
Found in many places. Uses the suns's electromagnetic radiation to create and store electricity.
Various water powered electric stations. Always clean, has multiple designs, and reliable if the water is flowing.
Found in the water by the coast, especially near islands. Silent, efficient, and clean.
A public park. Can host events, and occasionally be named after an individual.
Forest will be found all over the World Number 2 maps. They maintain the health and the environments and add to the asthetics of the cities.
An indoor workout location. Great place to get in shape.
Billboard used for commercial advertising. Cheap and always located near highways. Will feature only a name and a logo of the company.
Advanced and safe multistream connection high fidelity tower
Large universities can be found in certain cities. Take up a lot of land and are dedicated to learning. Some provide various educational tracks, while some universities are built around a certain discipline.
Can be seen scattered all over the cities. Usually are dedicated to certain topics or categories of media.
Recording and production studios of various music artists. There will be music to listen to and possibly some custom capabilities from the artists.
You will find a movie theatre here and there. Accepts movies and short film submissions.
Typically a 3D virtual gallery filled with photos from various places.
A 3D art museum that contains various images, artifacts, and other artistic works.
Can be found in random places such on walls or in parks.
Can be found at the edges of highways and roads. These will direct you to the neighboring city.
These are placed in cities that have underground tunnels or quarters. The arrow denotes up or down and will direct you accordingly.