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Building vertically maximizes land usage and efficiency

Building vertically allows us to develop a new type of city

Let us face it, land is limited. Not only is that a fact, but it is also true that not all land, that is physically there, is available for our usage. At least not the way we want to. There is plenty of nature to occupy quite a bit of that space. We do not want to destroy and develop that land because we only get one environment here on earth. Tunnels and underground facilities have been built for centuries. Not unlike the real-world counterpart and the innovative ideas of today, we are working towards a similar concept, albeit more expanded..

The ultimate vision is a two-story integration into the subsurface with the current city serving as the third and top level. We would work to develop the first sub surface level as the residential and business floor. The third and deepest level would serve as the utility and transportation area. Cities would be connected via underground high-speed rail and tube systems. Robotic cars and escalators would fill in the gaps and all electric, gas, and water lines would run here.

This would decrease the amount of traffic on the top city later, reduce pollution, allow for more pedestrian walking space and land utilization for buildings, and create the necessary environment for more nature to revitalize the urban environment. People could walk as much as they want on the top city level, visit shops, and go to their homes on the second floor, and travel as far and as fast as they need using the third backbone transit layer.

In World Number 2, we started to utilize the sub surface of one of our cities. Centrama, which is the central business district, has several sub surface tunnels designated as the cornerstone for businesses and residents to live underground. These initial tunnels can serve as the main arteries for connecting businesses to residential areas for the second layer. Transportation systems can be linked from the surface as we pave the backbone of the third layer.

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Centrama Underground