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Long Eagle Train Station


This is the second train station to be constructed in the entire region. It was initially just a service route back to the main city of Primisa. The demand started to increase for a route back to the first city, as more people begin to explore the area and find homes here. After the route extensions, travel is now possible to the other five cities directly from this platform.

The train operates 24 hours a day.


Green Fish Marina


Located right on Lake Malay, the marina is a great place to store your boat or watercraft. Lake Malay has been here before the city was ever built. The Green Fish Marina was one of the first buildings to be constructed.


Eagle Basin Blog Library


Founded by local writers, the library is a small and growing collection of interesting blogs from various authors. Topics vary from technology to travel to cooking.

The Strong Traveler TechEBlog Tiny Urban Kitchen Nicks Car Blog Tech Storify Blog Esprit Design


Lone Lemon Produce Academy


This food academy specializes in all fruity recipes.

Honey Lime Rainbow Fruit Salad Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins Grilled Apple Sundae Balsamic-Goat Cheese Grilled Plums


Virtual Holiday House


Special virtual lot for the holidays. 2022 Halloween Haunted House.

Virtual Holiday House

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