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A concept for a commercial drone port

Medium sized drone landing area with charging pads, storage, and maintenance

Drone traffic is on the rise throughout the world. These ariel vehicles are being used for photography, shipping, search and rescue, wildlife monitoring, and countless other applications. Because of this, there is now a focus on creating rules, regulation, and safety measures. Just like aircraft have airports, drones need to have drone ports. This will be a vital part of the ariel vehicle infrastructure. There are many people working on such concepts. Here is one such example of a commercial drone port design.

This port features 10 landing and charging pads. There are 2 separate zones, each containing 5 pads. Over-hang bars are attached with red lighting on the back side of each zones. 2 Yellow lights indicate the front orientation of the pad. All charging/landing pads, and other infrastructure are connected via a tarmac. The design of this entire building would be modular. There are 3 storage and maintenance hangars for overnight and long term stays opposite the landing zones. This drone port also features a tools and spare parts box. This can be used for several drone models at once. A tower would be connected to the parts area and would provide accessibility, lighting, and other information.

The drone port would be size of a typical living room, about 300 SQFT. The thickness of the tarmac would only be a few inches. The height of the buildings and pads would be about 18 to 24 Inches. It would be best to place it on top of a building that is no more than a few floors. This one would also be well suited for more open locations such as parks and riverbanks. This port can be open twenty-four-seven because it has its own lighting system. Solar panels can be used to generate some of the necessary electricity for charging and illumination.


Multipurpose landing pad for vehicles, pilots, and structured flight


Drone traffic is on the rise all over the world, and there is a new focus on infrastructure, regulation, and safety measures. One such idea is a drone port. This would be a dedicated drone airport, for landing, takeoffs, storage, tools, and safe airspace.


#Drone #DroneDock #Innovation